Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saving Tips in Hard Times

For so many of us it is time to tighten our belts and find ways to save money in these economic hard times. More and more families have to cut back as either jobs have been lost, wages cut back and mortgage payments and other debts are just too much to handle. Getting your debt paid off is crucial to getting yourself out of debt. Start finding ways to save during these hard times from various different sources.

Take this opportunity to turn your money issues into positive things like having family at home entertainment rather than an evening out at the movies which for a family of four can run into a lot of money. Movie tickets run at least eight dollars, add some popcorn and soda to that and the next thing you know you have spent fifty five to sixty dollars. So going to the movies once a week adds up to over three thousand dollars a year. That could pay off a sizeable credit card. What can you do on movie night instead of spending sixty dollars? As a family you can rent a movie, pop some popcorn at home and enjoy a night in at the movies saving yourself probably forty to forty five dollars a week.

You can make a family night at home with board games or good old fashioned cards. There are tons of games the whole family can play. I would also bet you have a cabinet full of board games that have not been played in a while. These are great opportunities to unite the family and have a few laughs while saving money. Too many families do not spend good quality time together and taking this opportunity to get closer to the kids and teach them good values and money saving tips is a smart idea. They will grow up learning that sometimes as an adult you just have to cut back and save money for crucial items like food and utilities. Kids are going to grow up and have to face the harsh reality that this country is going to have to pay back all the money we are spending to stimulate the economy. It is going to come from their hard work and tax money.

Unplug small appliances, television and computers when they are not in use and shutting off the lights when not in use to cut back on the utility bills is an amazing money saving idea. You may not think that your toaster that is not being used bit still plugged in is costing you money but simply being plugged in takes some current and you are paying for it.

Creating meals around items that are on sale or using coupons for food and ad matching is crucial to bring down your grocery bill. Little things like making sure you eat all the leftover food for a second meal another day rather than throwing the leftovers away saves tons of money. You can mix up things a little by adding a different vegetable the second time or a fresh loaf of bread to it makes it not feel like you are eating the same thing again. Teach the children how important it is not to waste food and how much money it saves when you can duplicate a meal simply with leftovers.

Get the kids out on a nice day to wash the car rather than paying for it to be washed. That is great family time. Sure, the kids will initially complain but I would bet that they end up laughing a bit and spraying water on each other. Have them help with yard work; get rid of the weekly landscaper. Give each child a daily and weekly job that helps cut back on paying someone else to do it.

Believe it or not some families are going back to making some of their clothes or at least mending them and handing them down to the younger ones. Maybe trade with a family or friend to mix up the clothes so it feels like they get something new. Have a garage sale and earn a few hundred dollars selling unwanted items. Go to a garage sale and pick up things you would normally buy at the store and pay a lot more for.

These family involved ideas not only help save money in these hard times but they teach great values to our children so when they grow up they can hand these same values to their children and hopefully know how to handle their money better than so many people in our country as we have all recently realized. Credit is not free money, let us start teaching our kids now.

Nancy Niblett is a highly successful Real Estate Agent specializing in the Chandler area. She credits her success to hard work, integrity and honesty. Clients continue to refer her over and over again. Nancy is one of the most successful award-winning agents and currently with West USA Revelation. She was awarded the Silver Top Producing individual agent in 2004, Double Gold individual in 2005 and the annual Spirit and Integrity award in 2005 and 2006. Her most cherished moment was bestowed on her in 2006, the Regional "Culture" award, which is the highest attainable honor given. (source: nancy niblett)


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