Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Don't Have Enough Money?

Do you often feel like you don't have enough money? Do you avoid paying for your own self-care and personal growth because you don't want to spend money on yourself? If you answer positively, you may be stuck in "scarcity thinking" which likely impedes your happiness and stagnates your growth.

People in "scarcity mode" focus on what they don't have rather than their many blessings. This anxiety may come from truly not having enough, but more often, it is a symptom of flawed thinking. Follow these steps to shift towards peace and prosperity.

The first step is to know where your money goes. Track your expenditures for one month and create an annual itemized list. Make sure you add in realistic estimates for gifts, vacations, children's activities and other items that aren't regular monthly expenses.

How do you spend your money? Are your expenditures concentrated on your children's activities and luxury items? Are they spent on expensive cars, high mortgages, material possessions? Most importantly, do your expenses reflect your values?

If your expenses aren't highly correlated with your values, you need to change how you spend your money. Take some time to clarify your priorities and goals for the next year. Make sure part of your expenditures is spent on your own growth and well- being, which will contribute greatly to your happiness and demonstrate self-respect to your children. Recognize that sometimes we have to make financial sacrifices in some areas in order to live fully.

If you have taken these steps and still can't comfortably pay your bills, consider going back to work or switching to a higher paying job. Sometimes scarcity is present in our lives to motivate us to make a change. You need a concrete plan to ensure your family income outweighs your expenses and your spending reflects your values. it is in this place that you are able to ditch scarcity thinking and focus instead on your abundance and many blessings.

When you spend money in alignment with your highest priorities (which must include your self-care and personal growth), control your expenses, take responsibility for earning money when it is needed, and shift your thoughts from "scarcity mode" to "abundance", you live with peace and prosperity. Make the changes you need to in order to get there. You will be glad you did! (Bria)


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